File #25-033
Current Foster Location: Rideau Ferry, ON
*Please note that we do not typically adopt outside of a 2 hour radius from the foster dogs current location*
Hello everybody, I’m Alpha! My foster family told me I should try online dating to find my forever person. This is my very first try so here goes nothing!
First of all, I love long romantic walks on the beach! Just kidding, I’ve never actually been to the beach but I’m sure it’s nice. Here’s a list of my absolute favourite things:
-My foster siblings, they are awesome. I love them. I want to cuddle and play with them all the time. If my forever person has a dog, count me in!
-Playtime, it’s the best. Any kind of toy is fine with me, I’m not picky. Your socks, slippers, mittens or even tea towels! I’m a very resourceful fellow.
-Enrichment games. I have no idea what that means but I do know my foster family gives me fun treat games in the morning and it’s my favourite, keeps me busy!
-Running. Have you ever tried it?! Oh my gosh it’s so fun. I love to run, I don’t really walk anywhere, it’s too slow. Why walk when you can run?!
-Food. I absolutely love food! Any kind of snack will do. I am really great at surfing the counters at my house my foster family says.
-Cats, okay okay, they aren’t my FAVOURITE thing but if you have one, I’ll get used to it. I’ve met a few in my time and they’re not bad.
-Learning. I am the smartest boy ever. Teach me anything, anything and I bet I’ll learn it! My family is trying to teach me how to use my crate, it’s a work in progress. Crate training is not my favourite subject.
So, what are you waiting for?! It’s time to swipe right on my dating profile! Lots of love, Alpha.