File #25-040
Current Foster Location: Arnprior, ON
*Please note that we do not typically adopt outside of a 2 hour radius from the foster dogs current location*
Hi! I’m Bilbo, great name right?! Apparently it’s from some movie about a far away land, some magical creature, blah blah blah! I don’t watch movies anyway, you know what I do like….CUDDLING! I will happily cuddle with you while you watch those things called movies.
Right now, my foster mom says that aside from cuddling, I love wrestling with my foster siblings. Dogs are fun, I’d be okay if my forever family had one in their house, but it’s okay if you don’t! As long as I get some doggie social time, I am happy to be your one and only.
I keep being told I’m just a puppy so I do quite a few silly things every now and again. My foster family is helping me work on my crate training which is going okay, it’s not as nice as cuddling but I’m working on it. I’m working hard on my house training and these things called pee pads make it a little bit easier for me! I’m learning some tricks, I love tricks but especially the treats I get after I do a trick!
If your looking for a professional de-stuffer of toys (I love toy fluff,) hungry man competitor (I love to eat,) and just your best friend forever, I think I’m your man! Adopt me, Bilbo!